How To Tell Your Boss You’re Going Into Rehab

There are different types of rehab. Some of them are more “invasive” to your current lifestyle, for lack of a better word. To phrase it differently, some types of rehab will have you going away to another state, or even another country in some cases – whereas there are also types of rehab that aim to fit more into your current life, like rehab after work, for example.

Telling your boss that you’re going into rehab, if you’re going to be staying somewhere and won’t be able to come into work, can make you feel very anxious and apprehensive. This is normal. You don’t necessarily know how your boss or employer will react, or if you’ll still have a job waiting for you when you return.

Some bosses are great, supportive, and will genuinely do anything they can to help you not just as an employee, but as a person they care about. If you have a boss like that, you’re probably pretty lucky. Not everybody has a boss like that.

Telling Your Boss That You’re Going Into Rehab

If you’re worried about being fired if you go to rehab, there are probably certain protections where you live (depending on what country you’re in) that prevent you from being discriminated against over medical and addiction issues.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when telling you’re boss that you’re going to rehab. You might not feel comfortable bluntly asking your boss “Will I Lose My Job If I Go To Rehab?“, but knowing what to expect can be helpful.

Know your rights: You can learn about some of the protections that exist in America for employees who are seeking treatment for alcoholism and other addictions by clicking the link in the paragraph above this one. If you live outside of the United States of America, you’ll want to learn about what your country’s protections are for people in your situation before you proceed with the process of talking to your boss, because it’s just smart to be informed about what your rights are.

Be in control: It’s up to you to decide how specific you want to get when it comes to your struggles with substances. You may need to tell your boss what the reason is that you’re requesting a leave of absence, but you don’t have to fully open up about every aspect of your personal life or your struggles. To follow up from the previous point about knowing your rights, you don’t have to disclose every single detail.

Don’t leave it to the last minute: Don’t wait until the day before you go away to rehab to mention it at your work. You might feel scared or uncomfortable to have this conversation with your boss, especially since you inherently have to open up about some of your personal struggles in a work setting, but putting this off will make it worse. When you know you’re going to rehab and you’re going to need time away from work, that’s when it’s time to bring it up.

Help your work prepare: If you have a very important role in your company, giving them a bit of a heads up and helping to setup a plan for while you’re away can help make the process a lot smoother on everyone. Having said that, your top priority is yourself, so don’t get guilted into going too far above and beyond your own responsibilities. You need to think about yourself and your family, but if there are steps that you can take that will make the transition to your leave of absence easier on your own, that can help.

Accept It And Do What You Need To Do

There’s only so much that you can do to prepare, and at a certain point, you just have to take the leap of faith towards treatment and take the steps to heal.

Recovery is filled with different challenges to navigate, from telling your family you’re going to rehab, telling your friends you’re going to rehab, and just navigating it all.

Category: Articles
Martijn van Eijk
Martijn is a passionate creator and the driving force behind He created this website to assist individuals and their families in conquering alcohol addiction and finding a joyful, fulfilling life after alcohol. With a deep understanding of the challenges they face, he empowers readers with valuable insights and practical guidance on their journey towards recovery. Author of the Stop Shaking Book.